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VALORANT Patch 8.07 all Clove bug fixes

VALORANT Patch 8.07 all Clove bug fixes

Even though clove is one of the most effective agents in VALORANT, it is occasionally necessary to make minor adjustments in the lab, particularly in light of the quantity of bugs that have been discovered in the past two weeks.

The Scottish troublemaker has become one of the most popular Controllers in the game. They possess powerful abilities that have changed how the role is played. Clove’s kit includes smoke grenades activated after death, a self-healing and speed boost, and a self-revive ultimate. These game-changing abilities have helped them dominate solo queue.

During the recruitment event, players have discovered various glitches that have caused them to lose rounds or even entire games in both ranked and casual game modes. These bugs even delayed the agent’s professional debut, but hopefully, the fixes will get them ready for the big stage.

Here are all of the bug fixes for Clove in VALORANT Patch 8.07.

Every Clove bug fix in VALORANT Patch 8.07


The upcoming Patch 8.07 for Clove will include seven significant bug fixes, although the final list may change before the update is released. These fixes will address major issues that have been impacting the agent, such as primary weapons disappearing after using their ultimate ability, hitbox problems, and other concerns.

The complete list of fixes for Clove in VALORANT Patch 8.07 can be found here:

  1. • The weekly mission “Use Your Ultimate” will always advance thanks to Clove’s ultimate ability, and Match Details now reports on every cast.
  2. • When used after death, Clove’s E smoke now consistently reports to Match Details.
  3. • Clove’s aim direction no longer abruptly shifts when they use their ultimate ability to suppress it.
  4. • When Clove uses their ultimate ability, they will always spawn with their main weapon.
  5. • With E equipped, Clove’s hitboxes for her head and arms remain constant when she rapidly aims up or down.
  6. • Similar bug fixed when crouched with E equipped.
  7. • The combat report now displays the correct ability icon for Clove’s Meddle (Q).

When Patch 8.07 is released, players may finally get the opportunity to make their professional debut in the VCT globally. In the interim, keep an eye out for any issues you might face while climbing the ranks in your local region.

Nafiz is an ardent gaming enthusiast with a deep-rooted passion for FPS games. With a curiosity towards the realm of esports, he maintains a close eye on esports events transpiring worldwide. Presently, Nafiz actively engages in generating article catered to the Bangladesh gaming community.

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