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TFT Set 11 Champion
Teamfight Tactics

TFT Set 11 Rolling Odds and Champion Pool Full Guide

The rolling odds of a champion showing up in the TFT shop are based on the number of champions within a set. This page includes information on the champion pool in Teamfight Tactics Set 11 as well as a comprehensive guide to the rolling mechanic, odds, and optimal leveling stages.

This page includes information on the champion pool in Teamfight Tactics Set 11, Inkborn Fables, as well as a comprehensive guide to the rolling mechanic, odds, and optimal leveling stages.

Teamfight Tactics Rolling: What Is It?

Shuffling is a key feature within each Teamfight Tactics set that permits the player to attain the preferable champion from the available pool of units. The pool of units transforms with each set, and with Set 11, Inkborn Fables, Riot Games has decreased the number of units accessible in the game.

Understanding how the rolling system works will help you spend your gold wisely, and ensure you don’t waste it by guessing alone. While guessing plays a big role in rolling for champions, learning the mechanics and patterns can improve your rolls. Studying the odds outline and this guide can help you roll more successfully.

Leveling System Receives Changes in TFT Set 11

The required XP for leveling up has altered in Set 11, we have noted each stage below. Besides tweaks to the XP needs, Riot games also made several adjustments to champions in Set 11, Inkborn Fables. Alongside a host of other modifications to the champion collection and chances for rolling, players have been enjoying trying out the present set, which is accessible on PBE servers so far.

  1. • Level two to three : XP is 2
    • Level three to four: XP is 6
    • Level four to five: XP is 10
    • Level five to six: XP is 20
    • Level six to seven: XP is 36
    • Level seven to eight: XP is 48
    • Level eight to nine: XP dropped from 80 to 72
    • Level nine to 10: XP dropped from 84 to 72

TFT Set 11 Champion Pool

There are many champions available in the Teamfight Tactics Set 11 champion pool. Knowing the champions in each level is important for deciding your rolling strategy in the world of Teamfight Tactics. We have provided details on the entire champion pool in TFT Set 11, including the number of champions in each tier. This article shares the drop rates for each champion. We will update this if we get more information on the full champion pool in TFT Set 11, which is currently being tested on the PBE servers.

  1. • Tier 1 contains 13 champions. 22 of each champion in the pool.
    • Tier 2 contains 13 champions. 20 of each champion in the pool.
    • Tier 3 contains 12 champions. 17 of each champion in the pool.
    • Tier 4 contains 12 champions). 10 of each champion in the pool.
    • Tier 5 contains 9 champions). 9 of each champion in the pool.

Best Stages to Level up in TFT Set 11

The majority of times when you have a better chance to level up and roll for units is decided by TFT rolling chances. Your “endgame” comp will ultimately be further designed by the units.

This is a common TFT Set 11 level-up guide before PBE testing:

  1. • Level four: Stage 2-1
    • Level five: Stage 2-5 or Stage 2-3 if seeking three-cost champions after the carousel
    • Level six: Stage 3-2
    • Level seven: Stage 3-5
    • Level eight: Stage 4-1 or Stage 4-5
    • Level nine: Stage 5-1
    • Level 10: Stage 6-1

Set 11 of Teamfight Tactics, called Inkborn Fables, is currently being tested on the PBE servers. Fans who want to check out the new set ahead of time can make a PBE account to play it early. This upcoming set is scheduled to officially launch on the live servers on Wednesday, March 20th, 2024 with patch 14.6. Those testing it out on PBE right now are giving feedback that will help improve the set be­fore its full release to everyone.

Nafiz is an ardent gaming enthusiast with a deep-rooted passion for FPS games. With a curiosity towards the realm of esports, he maintains a close eye on esports events transpiring worldwide. Presently, Nafiz actively engages in generating article catered to the Bangladesh gaming community.

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