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Fiery Hearthsteed in World of Warcraft Hearthstone
World of Warcraft

How to get the Fiery Hearthsteed in World of Warcraft Hearthstone 2024 promo

Simply log into Hearthstone anytime between March 11th and May 14th. Later, when you log into WoW, the Fiery Hearthsteed will be there waiting as a reward. No complicated tasks required just playing Hearthstone during the event windows is all it takes to receive this cool new fiery horse companion in World of Warcraft.

To mark Hearthstone’s 10th birthday coming up in 2024, the game’s makers at Blizzard want to give players a special treat. As a nod to where it all began, they’re offering a new take on a mount from World of Warcraft. This mount was around when Hearthstone first came out and launched. Blizzard hopes giving it to players now will have them feeling nostalgic and appreciate how far the card game has come since the starting days. It’s their way of celebrating a decade of bringing magical battles and adventures to fans all over.

The Hearthsteed is likely the easiest mount to get in World of Warcraft ever. This blue and white flying horse was first added to the game in 2014 and has become very common for players to own. Now this month, Hearthstone and WoW are doing a crossover event where logging into both games will reward players with the Fiery Hearthsteed. It’s a red and black version of the flying Hearthsteed mount that was a big deal when it came to WoW in 2014 during Hearthstone’s release.

This is all the information you require to get a Fiery Hearthsteed for yourself at the 2024 Hearthstone/World of Warcraft crossover anniversary event.

How to obtain Hearthstone’s fiery mount in World of Warcraft during the anniversary event

Getting the Fiery Hearthsteed mount in WoW is very similar to how you obtained your first regular Hearthsteed back in 2014. Both special mounts are earned through Hearthstone in the same straightforward way. Simply log into Hearthstone anytime between March 11th and May 14th. Later, when you log into WoW, the Fiery Hearthsteed will be there waiting as a reward. No complicated tasks required just playing Hearthstone during the event windows is all it takes to receive this cool new fiery horse companion in World of Warcraft.

You will have a Fiery Hearthsteed in your collection if you logged into Hearthstone and returned to World of Warcraft within those two dates.

Between March 11th and 18th, you can also take part in Hearthstone duels happening in World of Warcraft’s main cities. By battling programmed characters in these events, you’ll earn benefits like unique minion cards. Those prizes will be in your Hearthstone collection whenever you next open the game.

Between March 11th to May 14th, players logging into both World of Warcraft and Hearthstone will receive a ne­w mount called the Fiery Hearthsteed. Only those playing the main World of Warcraft game can claim this reward, not players in WoW Classic or Shadowlands. To get your fiery steed, simply sign into both Blizzard titles during the eligible dates. But hurry, as the mount promotion ends on May 14th.

Nafiz is an ardent gaming enthusiast with a deep-rooted passion for FPS games. With a curiosity towards the realm of esports, he maintains a close eye on esports events transpiring worldwide. Presently, Nafiz actively engages in generating article catered to the Bangladesh gaming community.

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