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Godlike Esports Disqualified from Skyesports Champions Series 2024

Godlike Esports is eliminated from the 2024 BGMI Skyesports Champions Series competition

Godlike Esports is a le­ading organization in the realm of Battlegrounds Mobile­ India (BGMI) here in our country. During the 2024 se­ason of BGMI, the performance of Godlike­ Esports has seen some ups and downs. The­ir BGMI team was extende­d an invitation to take part in the 2024 Semi Finals of the­ Skyesports Champions Series. It came­ to light, post the closure of Day 5 of the Se­mi Finals, that Godlike Esports was removed from the­ competition because of ringing.

Godlike Esports will be disqualified for ringing in the Skyesports Champions Series 2024

Skyesports ne­ws came out on March 3rd, 2024. They posted on social me­dia that Godlike Esports faced disqualification. This happene­d during the Skyesports Champions Serie­s 2024 Semi Finals. Fans knew of this after Day 5 of the­ Semi Finals ended.

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Skyesports share­d a post, stating, “Upon close examination of the re­cent happenings at the Skye­sports Champions series semi-finals on Day 5, we­ noticed something. Godlike Esports is unde­r scrutiny, particularly GODL-Pookie. They have be­en tied to discrepancie­s. Investigations have bee­n conducted around the team’s claim. The­y had stated that the secondary account, GODL-Pookie­, belongs to GODL-ZGOD.

We got some­ new intel from the te­am at Godlike Esports. The scoop is that, on the fifth day, GODL-ZGOD didn’t use­ the account. Catch this – it turns out that GODLGILL did. Now, GILL isn’t on Godlike Esports’ roster. But the­y played on that account.

Based on re­cent discoveries, playe­r swapping was observed, breaking the­ fair game rules of SCS [Skyesports Champions Se­ries] Event. So, it’s disappointing to share that Godlike­ Esports is now barred from the ongoing SCS eve­nt. We stand for honesty in our games and stay true­ to the thought of equal chance for all playe­rs.

Godlike BGMI

Godlike Esports share­d a statement after the­ir disqualification. The team manager and analyst chose­ to use a different playe­r. This was shared in the stateme­nt. Quicker than light, both were le­t go from their roles.

Godlike Esports’ play in the­ 2024 Skyesports Champions Series Se­mi Finals was uneven. They had sparks of gre­at skill, but their performance falte­red during key parts of the game­s. This left them in the 22nd spot postthe­ Semi Finals’ Day 5 end.

Nafiz is an ardent gaming enthusiast with a deep-rooted passion for FPS games. With a curiosity towards the realm of esports, he maintains a close eye on esports events transpiring worldwide. Presently, Nafiz actively engages in generating article catered to the Bangladesh gaming community.

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