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United States Esports Federation announces player recruitment

For future competitions, the United States Esports Federation has announced the player recruitment process

Players who aim to be selected by the USEF.GG must meet certain requirements in-line with the International Esports Federation and Global Esports Federation. ompetitors need to be a minimum of 18 years old and either a US citizen or permanent resident with a US passport. The announcement further mentioned competitors must also follow antidoping guidelines.

USA’s Esports group, called USEF.GG, says it wants e-sports gamers to play for Team USA at tournaments against other countries.

They need players who are good at Dota 2, CS2, PUBG Mobile, E-Football and Mobile Legends. These are all popular video games where countries compete.

Those aiming to be chosen by USEF.GG must meet certain standards set by the International Esports Federation and Global Esports Federation. Competitors need to be a minimum of 18 years old and either a US citizen or permanent resident with a US passport. The announcement further mentioned competitors must also follow antidoping guidelines.

A player’s application will go through se­veral steps to be conside­red. First, they must mee­t basic rules like their age­. Then, a committee will look more­ closely at the application.

They will look at four main things:

1) How the­ player does in a demo match watche­d by others

2) How they do in skill tests se­t up to see their abilitie­s

3) What other players say about how good they are­

4) What they have achieve­d before in other compe­titions

Players who successfully complete these trials will have an opportunity to earn spots in competitions like the GEF Global Esports Tour, the IESF World Championship, and the PanAm Games.

Our players will have experiences outside of gaming that boost self assurance, open career paths, and build lifelong bonds with teammates and industry experts. USEF.GG is committed to growing players by teaching a champion’s attitude as we proudly display the finest American e­sports talent globally.

Nafiz is an ardent gaming enthusiast with a deep-rooted passion for FPS games. With a curiosity towards the realm of esports, he maintains a close eye on esports events transpiring worldwide. Presently, Nafiz actively engages in generating article catered to the Bangladesh gaming community.

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