Haunted by childhood memories, Nate Williams finds himself in a dark place. When his drama teacher, Mr. Dean, rescues him from prison and takes him in, Nate must confront his past before it leads to his own destruction. Ben Sarro (the coach of the coach) is a 2004 graduate of Garden Spot High School (where Stan is a student). Dean taught) and was the football, softball, and track coach from 2010 to 2018. Looks like a great movie! I’m glad I found this clip. There seem to be several “battles”; which will be highlighted. Teacher to student and vice versa. Teacher to school and education system. Student to present and past. Student to legal system at the time. And maybe some personal struggles within the teacher? Not my usual movie. But the acting in this 2 minute clip… I’m all in! Also, I was in high school in Philly around this time. I know where that city is. I bet there are a few things that will "click" my memory in this movie. I can’t wait to see it!